The Mission

MLI: The Next Generation serves to inspire and develop a new cadre of public leadership that promotes honest,

pragmatic debate and provokes civic action to effectuate change through a centrist agenda and public policy.

MLI: The Next Generation

The MLI: Next Generation understands that building healthy neighborhoods requires strong civic leadership as an integral

part of who we are and what we represent as a community. However, in an era divided by extreme partisanship on both

the political left and right, the perspective and values of many in our society are too often neglected by those same


There is a leadership vacuum crying for a voice of reason and moderation that represents a more pragmatic, yet impactful

approach to addressing issues facing our communities. The MLI: The Next Generation has been created as part of a 501-

C3 non-profit and non-partisan organization for an emerging group of leaders to add their centrist voice to the public


The MLI: Next Generation understands that its vision, perspective, and agenda must carry a strong message that

resonates with its community in order to succeed. The organization also understands that to achieve success, any

moderation on its part exists only in its measured and strategic tactics, rhetoric, and away from blind allegiance to

ideology. Further, MLI: Next Generation fully appreciates the nuances in building power to bring about tangible community

change. Symbolism is part of a tactic, not the endgame.

MLI: The Next Generation and its participants are prepared to seize upon public leadership roles in the civic, corporate,

and political arenas and offer practical, but real solutions to challenges facing their respective communities. To this end, a

vocal and active centrist leadership will engage in civic life, set a new tone in the power arena, and emerge as influential

players to establish a pragmatic community agenda.

The MLI: Next Generation Program

The MLI is a platform for established and aspiring leaders to acquire and hone the leadership skills necessary to

effectively foster social, economic, and political empowerment.

The core of the MLI’s mission is to provide its members with a solid foundation and education on the nuances of the world of

power and introduce them to successful practitioners within that sphere. The MLI provides its participants with direct

access to the inner workings of “the arena” and offers a unique insight on how issues get addressed within its political


Schooled in the discipline of pragmatic constituency-building, citizenship, and policy development, the MLI’s participants

and members will come to have a greater understanding of the ambiguities of public life and have a greater appreciation

for the challenges presented within the public/power sector. Through civic action, the MLI leadership will also learn to

build power networks and execute strategies for the implementation of its own policy recommendations.

The MLI experience begins with a 12-month fellowship designed as a primer to acquaint participants to key concepts in

leadership and power and develop a common language for action. A select group will be chosen annually to participate.

The program will consist of monthly private sessions and serve as an open venue for candid discussions. These

conversations are not intended as a self-improvement course or even an academic analysis of politics, but rather, the MLI

provides participants with a space to conduct an introspective assessment of their own instincts as they come to

understand the concepts and dynamics of public leadership while being pressed into civic action.

The MLI sessions will be off the record and closed to the media. The fee for participation is $500 for the year.